Welfare Hub

Below are tabs that contain support information. Click each tab to see information that may be able to help you.

Welfare Criteria

Welfare Criteria:

These are set criteria we have put in place to help reduce costs where we can for those eligible for extra financial support. 

  • First Generation Scholar Scheme
  • Bursary
  • On Benefits
  • Receive Universal Credit
  • Are a parent or guardian when you have dependent

If you fit any of the above criteria, send an email to welfare@bsmsmedsoc.co.uk with proof of this eligibility to get one reduced-cost welfare ticket. 

Unfortunately, the discount does not extend to +1s for any events and will be capped at one per person.

Addiction Support

University of Brighton, Alcohol and drugs


University of Sussex. Alcohol, drugs and smoking



01273 731900

Email: referrals@pavilions.org.uk

Pavilions provide information, advice and treatment for anyone who needs it around drugs and alcohol



01273 666950

Email: talktofrank.com/contact

FRANK provides a wide array of information on drugs, their effects and the law


Sport and Exercise

·        BSMS Sport: Check out the BSMS MedSoc Page

·        Brighton Sport: https://sport.brighton.ac.uk/

·        Sussex Sport: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/sport/


Autism, ADHD, Neuroatypical

National autistic society

Link to advice on starting university with autism: https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/transitions/england/starting-college-or-university

Autism helpline: 0808 800 4104

University of Brighton



University of Brighton, Student Bullying and Harassment Procedure


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy at University of Brighton


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy at University of Sussex


Dealing with exams at university

Domestic Abuse (local services)

RISE & independent domestic violence advisory service (IDVA)

01273 622822

Crisis and ongoing support helpline, refuge, advocacy, counselling, housing, legal and financial help, support for children and young people.

Website: www.riseuk.org.uk

Survivors Network and Independent Sexual Violence Advisory Service (ISVA)

01273 72110

01273 203380


Email: referrals@survivorsnetwork.org.uk

Help and support for all women who have experience sexual violence, rape and childhood sexual abuse



01273 510447

Support for men who have been sexually abused


Domestic Abuse (National services)

National 24hr Domestic Violence Helpline

0808 2000 247


Rights of Women

–           0207 251 6577 (Advice line)

–           0207 251 887 (Sexual violence legal advice line)

Men’s Advice Line- Respect

–           0808 801 0327

–           Advice and support for men in abusive relationships

–           https://www.respect.uk.net/

Rape Crisis England and Wales

–           0808 802999

–           National helpline for survivors of rape and sexual abuse and their partners, friends and family

–           www.rapecrisis.org.uk 

Eating disorders

Financial Support

University of Sussex Student Life Centre
● 01273 876767
● studentlifecentre@sussex.ac.uk
● https://student.sussex.ac.uk/new-students/help-and-support/student-life-centre

Student Accounts Office
● 0800 849 4979
● studentaccounts@sussex.ac.uk
● www.sussex.ac.uk/finance/services/feesandincome/studentaccounts
Working at University
University of Brighton, part time jobs
University of Sussex, careers and part time jobs


GP Sign Up

·        List of GPs in Brighton and Hove can be found here: https://www.nhs.uk/Services/Trusts/GPs/DefaultView.aspx?id=89595

·        Find your closest GP here: https://www.cqc.org.uk/what-we-do/services-we-regulate/find-family-doctor-gp

·        Students living in University of Sussex Halls of Residence may wish to register with the University of Sussex Health Centre.

–        See their website for details of how to register, the services available and opening hours or

–        call them on 01273 249 049.

Walk-in service

Occupational Health

·        The role of the Occupational Health (OH) service is to promote the provision of a safe and healthy working environment, and to maintain the physical, mental, and social wellbeing of all whom use the service.

·        OH is provided to BSMS by OHWorks.  You can contact them directly via: brighton@ohworks.co.uk   01227 286288

  • Telephone: 01273 696 955 ext 62983
  • Email: PEHQ.occhealth@bsuh.nhs.uk
  • Location: Art Block, St Mary’s. 2nd Gate Entrance
  • What they can do:
    • Promote the provision of a safe and health working environment and to maintain the physical, mental and social wellbeing of all whom use the service
    • Fitness for work assessment and advice on adjustments
    • Health surveillance
    • Health screening prior to commencement of studies
    • Vaccines and travel advice
    • Advice following accidents at work

Hearing loss

RNID (previously known as Action on Hearing Loss)



Dr Andrea Pepper at BSMS


If you have hearing loss please email Dr Pepper. She is a lecturer at BSMS and also has hearing loss herself. She works with students to work through issues with each student personally on their concerns. Her email is A.Pepper@bsms.ac.uk

BSMS hard of hear / D/deaf group

message Harriet Sharp h.sharp1@uni.bsms.ac.uk to join

Subtitles (Otter.ai)

 Otter.ai: Otter Voice Meeting Notes is a good online resource for subtitles (free for 40 minutes but then you can just start a new recording) – works by playing online content through speakers and will detect sounds through the microphone


University of Brighton – homesickness



University of Sussex Housing Office

University Residential and Campus Support

Sussex Student Lettings

University of Brighton Accommodation office

Brighton Studentpad

Sussex Student pad

Student Union Advice Service

International Students

International and visiting and exchange students, UoS


International students, UoB


Legal Advice

University of Sussex, free legal advice

Mind, legal advice and practical support

British Medical Association (BMA)

  • www.bma.org.uk
  • The British Medical Association is the doctors’ professional organisation established to look after the professional and personal needs of our members. The BMA represents doctors in all branches of medicine all over the UK. They aim to promote the medical and allied sciences, seek to maintain the honour and interests of the medical profession and promote the achievement of high-quality healthcare. Their policies cover public health issues, medical ethics, science, the state of the NHS, medical education and doctors’ contracts.

Medical Defence Union (MDU)

  • www.the-mdu.com/
  • Supporting the medico-legal needs and reputations of all their members throughout their professional lives

Medical Protection Society (MPS)

  • www.medicalprotection.org
  • The Medical Protection Society is a provider of comprehensive professional indemnity and expert advice to doctors, dentists and health professionals around the world.
  • The organisation helps with legal and ethical problems that arise from professional practice. This includes clinical negligence claims, complaints, medical council inquiries, legal and ethical dilemmas, disciplinary procedures, inquests and fatal-accident inquiries.

Mental Health Support for Black and Minority Ethnic Groups

The Black, African and Asian Therapy Network

Black Minds Matter UK

Revision Resources

  • AlmostADoctor
  • Teach Me Anatomy
  • Geeky Medics
  • Geeky Quiz (from Geeky Medics)
  • Capsule (App)
    • https://info.capsule.ac.uk/
    • Multiple choice questions tailored to specificity including pharmacology made by BSMS including detailed answers explaining reasoning behind answers
  • Passmedicine
    • https://www.passmedicine.com/
    • Revision tools and quizzes
  • Zero to Finals

Sexual Health, Sexual Assault & Rape

Sexual Health: Brighton Sexual Health Service

·        Brighton and Hove sexual health and contraception service (SHAC) is a free and confidential specialist service open to everyone regardless of age and sexuality.

·        They offer a mix of appointments and a ‘walk-in and wait’ service at 3 sites.

·        They also have an online service which can provide testing kits that will be delivered to your address: http://brightonsexualhealth.com/online-sti-testing/#packs

·        http://brightonsexualhealth.com/

University of Sussex Sexual Assault Information


University of Sussex Sexual Health, contraception and pregnancy advice


University of Brighton Sexual Violence Information


East Sussex Sexual Health


West Sussex Sexual Health https://www.sexualhealthwestsussex.nhs.uk/

Student Parents

University of Brighton, childcare overview


University of Brighton, One World Nursery


Email: oneworldnursery@brighton.ac.uk

Telephone: 01273 642021

Location: One World Nursery, Tithe Barn, Moulsecoomb Place, Brighton, BN2 4GA

University of Sussex Nursery


Email: sussexuniversitynursery@ccc.coop

Telephone: 01273 678356

Location: University of Sussex campus

Childcare at Brighton and Sussex University Hospital


Support after crime

Suicide Resources


Available 24/7 for everyone

Call 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) – for men

Call 0800 58 58 58 – 5pm to midnight every day

Visit the webchat page: Webchat

Papyrus – for people under 35

Call 0800 068 41 41 – Monday to Friday 9am to 10pm, weekends and bank holidays 2pm to 10pm

Text 07860 039967

Email pat@papyrus-uk.org

#StayAlive App

App for those at risk of suicide and those worried about someone


NHS Help for suicidal thoughts


Zer Suicide Alliance


Failsafe Alerts

App using pictures to quickly communicate with loved ones when you are in need


Support for LGBTQIA+

University of Brighton LGBTQ+ Support


Practical information and support for trans and non-binary students from University of Brighton:

–           Student central

–           My course : Bachelor and Medicine Bachelor of Surgery

–           Student Support

–           “Practical information & support for trans *non-binary students” https://studentcentral.brighton.ac.uk/bbcswebdav/pid-3450474-dt-content-rid-7232769_1/xid-7232769_1

GLADD (The association of LGBT Doctors and Dentists)


Broken Rainbow – LGBT Helpline

Support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people experiencing domestic violence

0300 999 5428


Well-being and Counselling

Free Drop-in Meditation Classes

·        Brighton Buddhist Centre, North Laine (17 Tichbourne Street, BN1 1RU).

·        Currently running every Tuesday (4.30-5.30pm). More information found here: https://brightonbuddhistcentre.co.uk/meditation-and-buddhism/meditation-and-buddhism-courses/

BSMS Student Support

The Student Welfare Advisers can provide advice and guidance on a wide range of matters, and if need be will be able to put you in touch with other appropriate support services. They can also provide some advice on how to manage the impact any difficulties you face may have on your course, including:

·        Health

·        Personal issues – e.g., relationships, loneliness, poor motivation, trauma or bereavement

·        Housing

·        Disabilities (including dyslexia & mental health)

·        Money (the Advisers can support students with the impact of financial worries on their studies but for expert financial advice students are directed to UoB Student Advice Service)

You can email them at studentsupport@bsms.ac.uk.  The student support team is regularly checking email whilst working remotely and will respond to any queries or concerns.

 Disability and Dyslexia Team, UoB

Email: disability@brighton.ac.uk

Phone: 01273 643799

Website: https://www.brighton.ac.uk/brighton-students/your-learning/study-development/declaring-a-disability-or-learning-difficulty/index.aspx

What the disability and dyslexia team can help with:

  • Assistance applying for DSA
  • Specialist support for examinations and assessments
  • Advising tutor and lecturers on impact of your condition and how to accommodate this
  • Academic support and loaning of equipment
  • Formation of learning support plan (LSP)

Big White Wall:

·        Access to 24/7 online community and professional support from trained counsellors. It provides a safe space online to get things off your chest, explore your feelings & learn how to self-manage your mental health and wellbeing.

·        Big White Wall is totally anonymous, so no one will know you’ve chosen to use it unless you tell them.

·        https://togetherall.com/en-gb/

Mood Boost – Free course run by students for students.

·        Learn to manage your anxiety, stress and low mood, and connect with other students in a supportive space.

·        For dates, info & signup details, see https://www.brighton.ac.uk/current-students/my-student-life/my-wellbeing/mood-boost

 Free Apps for wellbeing:

  • Headspace
  • Calm
  • Colorfy

BSMS Tea with Terina – run by students for students.

A BSMS MedSoc Society, which provides a safe, supported and friendly space within BSMS for students to come and discuss issues that impact upon their wellbeing. They also provide refreshments for anyone who would like to drop in for a chat about any worries they have. They are also able to signpost to student support and other services available. If you would like to contact a particular member, write who you would like to talk to in the committee heading – no one else on the committee will read the email. You can also write if there is someone you would not like to read the email (e.g. exclude year 3 reps). Alternatively you can contact us on our facebook or instagram pages.

Email: teawithterina@bsmsmedschool.ac.uk

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/195775287523572

Instagram: @bsms.tae

Crisis Support


01273 873333


University of Brighton Counselling and Wellbeing Service

They provide a free and completely confidential counselling service: you can contact them directly, and they will offer you an initial appointment at the first available opportunity. Your counsellor can also provide supporting documents for Mit Circs applications if need be (see Student Support \ Mitigating Circumstances). For further info about UoB counselling, and contact details, see: http://www.brighton.ac.uk/current-students/my-student-life/health-and-wellbeing/need-to-speak-to-someone/index.aspx

The University of Brighton Counselling and Wellbeing Service are now offering telephone counselling specifically for Year 3 and 5 BSMS students. The service is free, as with all university counselling. Although it will differ from face-to-face counselling, benefits include: emotional support from a trained counsellor without having to travel to a university campus flexibility of appointment times to fit around your academic and placement schedules

For more info, please see the attached flyer, and contact UoB Counselling at counsellingfalmer@brighton.ac.uk / 01273 643 584, or BSMS Student Support at studentsupport@bsms.ac.uk / 01273 523 340 – or drop into our office at AEB.

University of Sussex Counselling services


Telephone: +44 (0)1273 678 156

Email: counsellingreception@sussex.ac.uk

Brighton and Hove Wellbeing Service

The Brighton & Hove Wellbeing Service is a free NHS service for anyone aged 4 years old and upwards with a postcode beginning BN1, BN2, BN3 or BN41. This is not an emergency service but their support includes:

·        A range of talking therapies (from “conventional” counselling to specialisms such as CBT)

·        Online, self-directed CBT

·        Groups and courses

·        Links to other support organisations

Your GP can refer you to the Wellbeing Service, or you can self-refer – for more info on the services they offer, see: www.brightonandhovewellbeing.org

Telephone: 0300 002 0060

Email: bics.brighton-and-hove-wellbeing@nhs.net

University of Brighton Wellbeing Workshops

Workshops are offered throughout the year by the UoB Counselling & Wellbeing Services. Subjects include:

·        Understanding Anxiety and Dealing with Worry

·        Develop your Bounce – Be more resilient to stress

·        Procrastination and how to avoid it!

For further details, latest workshop dates and how to book, please see https://blogs.brighton.ac.uk/studentnewsandevents/2017/09/15/wellbeing-workshops-for-201718/