Meet the committee

President – Boldi Kordas

Vice-President: Lottie Janssen

Hi I’m Lottie, a 4th year, and your VP for the year!
My job is to support Boldi and to help him oversee and manage the mountains of stuff that goes on in MedSoc.
I LOVE sports, I like to spend my day laughing and messing around, and I can always do with a quick power nap. I’m excited to see what I can do for MedSoc this year, and to go all in on the events we put on for you!
I am always happy to help, especially if you need to raise something, I will try my best to sort it or point you in the right direction 🙂

Secretary – Alice Channon

Hi I’m Alice and I am in 3rd year !! I am your MedSoc secretary this year and my main role is to (try) and keep Medsoc organised and running smoothly ! I am a keen runner so you will probably find me running along the sea front with friends or in Chalk on a Thursday night. I am always here to help and please feel free to get in touch if you need anything! I am very excited to be apart of Medsoc this year !!!

Treasurers – Reece Patterson and Sophia Bell

Sophia our ‘blonde’ bombshell is well recognisable from refusing to wear a nice top and jeans to her preferential consistently too high dresses. If needed, you can find her on late night gyms sessions for the gains or deeply hungover at her costa shifts Reece, our Northern enigma, is well known for disappearing from socials and embarking on side quests. If required, you can find him racing innocent muggles at Preston Park ParkRun. However, on a Monday night you will find us getting 5 jaegers for £5 in one cup showing off our cost-effective instincts, followed by a Tuesday morning rotting in bed scanning through boots £10 Tuesday, which we are super fans. We are on the path to revolutionising the role of the treasurers by not only being trustworthy and responsible, but actively participating in the thrilling social excitement of BSMS. Who are the treasurers, we are the treasurers!

Welfare Officer – Elin Little

Hi everyone! I’m Elin, your welfare rep for this year. Med school can be really difficult, especially when life happens at the same time so my job is to help you access the support that you need. There are opportunities to help make your experience at med school as good as possible regardless of your current situation, so keep an eye out and take full advantage of everything that is available to you. If you have any worries, any ideas about how med soc and the medical school can help support you or if you just fancy a chat don’t hesitate to get in touch or come and say hi (you’ll probably (definitely) find me at Chalk on a Thursday) xx

Freshers Rep – Rosie Lewis

Hi! I’m Rosie, I’m one third of the freshers rep trio and here to provide all the new freshers with an amazing freshers week. I’m a second year and last year I managed to fulfil both parts of ‘work hard, play harder’. I was born with chronic FOMO so will be attending every social event that I can possibly get myself to, including all of the Freshers week events. So, buy your wristbands, get to know your medic families, and go to as many events as possible!!

Freshers Rep – Millie Wimhurst

Hello I’m Millie Wimhurst and I am a second year from Norfolk. I am one of this year’s freshers reps, and I am super excited (if not a little stressed) for freshers’ week!!
My role as freshers rep has involved attempting to master canva, making some major muck ups as an #influencer on the freshers ig and reading and making many many spreadsheets.
I am usually found napping in the library, playing football and hockey or crocheting new tops for epic nights out.
I am a gap year-er who spent half my year off aupairing for a lovely family and their baby – which was the best experience ever!!
I’m excited to be a part of medsoc again this year and am excited for what’s to come!!

Freshers Rep – Freddie Sellers

Hello Everyone, I’m Freddie a second year medical student and one of your Freshers Reps for this year. You can find me either on the Football pitch, clubbing sober or on the second floor in the library. Please make sure you try to go to every event in Freshers and get to know your medic parents and learn from them as much as you can.

Sports Rep – Lottie Hatherell and Megan Crossman

What we lack in sporting ability, we make up for in our incredible sports repping skills! We’re back for a second year of sport repping and we cannot wait! Varsity. Socials. Sports meals. Who knows what’s next… Make sure to follow our Instagram @bsmssports for updates and general information!

IT and Comms Rep – Tharsan Thiruchelvam

Hey, I’m Tharsan, a 2nd year “member” of TamilSoc, BSMS Rugby, Hockey and now your IT rep (tech support, smh) for this year. I shall do my best to provide sufficient tech support for all things medsoc-related. But happy to help with whatever else may ail you. Also, please let me know any of your suggestions, as I am looking forward to cleaning up the IT side of the medsoc experience 🙂 Get in touch via, or just tell me if you find me in person.

Social Secs – Ian Dimaculangan and Rubin Halder

We came to med school with the intention of becoming studious and well rounded individuals. We’ve learnt to appreciate the work and (social) life balance but tend to go heavy on the social life. We aim to provide chaotic, (safe) and as memorable as possible nights out to provide destress and energising nights to help everyone get through med school. For Brighton first time clubbers we recommend a quaint house pres, a chalk Thursday (inclusive of a 5 to 5 to start and a couple rounds of double vodka red bull till closing) and a wholesome Seaside kebab to finish off the night. We look forward to hosting the night outs and seeing every single one of you having nights of their lives.

Societies Rep – Sahaanaa Arulnanthy and Beth Eaton

As a Societies Reps at BSMS our role involves overseeing and coordinating a wide range of student-run societies. This includes managing the logistical needs of each society to ensure that societies have the resources to thrive. We also play a key role in the admin of event planning, budget allocation, and promoting collaboration between societies. Societies help BSMS to become a more vibrant place and we will do our best to make sure they run smoothly.

Sponsorship Rep – Abi Irwin

Hi, I’m Abi, and I’m in third year. I’m very excited to be a part of MedSoc this year as your sponsorship rep (getting you all that dollar so events can be #epic). You’ll find me playing netball, having a tactical nap or yapping away a bit too loud. Have an incredible year, it will be over before you know it!!!

Social Media Rep- Hannah Brudney

Hi I’m the social media rep for this year (not that there’s ever been one before). My social media “skills” come from absolutely no experience aside from my love for using canva ❤️ and a reason for procrastinating from work by spending approx 1 hour changing the font of various posters. My lack of height (5”1 rounded to nearest 5”1) is made up for by my outstanding skills for this role (I’m humble too) ☺️ can’t wait to be your social media rep for the year!

Social Inclusivity Rep – Amelia Wright and Saniya Bhatt

Hey!! We’re Saniya and Amelia and we’re going into 3rd year! We can’t wait to host some amazing events throughout fresher’s week and throughout the year! We’re really passionate about everyone having an amazing uni experience, regardless of whether you drink alcohol or not. So we want this year to be the best yet for socially inclusive events – we’ve got so many plans that we can’t wait to bring to life and we can’t wait to see you all there!

Diversity Rep – Rubeen Ahmad and Aryan Chaudhry

Hi, we are Aryan and Rubeen are the Diversity representatives for MedSoc 2024/25 We strive to be inclusive of all backgrounds and diversities. We firmly promote an environment where any issues are highlighted, discussed and rectified. The deeply disturbing racist attacks around the UK this summer only highlights further how important it is to support communities and our fellow students who are affected. We look to create a community at BSMS where students can feel safe, represented and supported. In order to do this, our emails and WhatsApps are always open. And as always, meet people, give things a go and make the most of your uni experience 🙂

Graduate and mature rep – Clare Atherton

Hi, my name is Clare and I am your grad and mature rep! I am in my 4th year at BSMS now but I did a degree in Neuroscience before at Sussex so I am in my 7th year of university and 7th year of living in Brighton! I love wild swimming, baking and a night at Revenge or Casas. Feel free to ask me about the best places to go for brunch in Brighton too! My role is to help graduate and mature students settle into the medical school, provide a voice for you within medsoc and organise socials such as sunset picnics at Devil’s Dyke, games nights and pub evenings to allow everyone to meet people who have come from similar backgrounds. I am also hoping to continue the grad and mature buddy scheme as well as setting up a document with top tips so that you can find advice for things like balancing a part time job or childcare alongside medicine and how to pay tuition fees. Unfortunately I won’t be around for Freshers week as I am on GP placement in Sheffield but I look forward to seeing you all at the first grad and mature social in October!

International Students Rep – Thea Berchtold

Hi, I’m Thea and I’m your MedSoc International Students Rep for 2024/25. Its my job to help foster a supportive community for international students at BSMS, and more generally be someone they can come to! A little bit about myself: I’m Swiss (and grew up in Switzerland, coming to the UK for my studies), I’m a postgrad (I did my undergrand in biology), and in my spare time I like to cook, spend time in nature and go out. Feel free to come say hi if you see me about in Fresher’s week, I’m looking forward to meeting you all!

Third Year Reps – Abi Brookes and Joana Goncalves Ferreira

Hi, we’re Abi and Joana! As third year reps, we’re excited to make sure we all have a great halfway ball you won’t forget (until the 5 for 5 Jägerbombs kick in). We’re committed to making sure everyone has the best time and that any intercalating students have a great send off too!

Intercalation Rep – Iliana

hey! I’m Iliana and i’ll be your Intercalation rep! Currently off in Bristol trying to live up my Elle Woods fantasy, and finding out way too much about pickled rats.
Happy to help with any intercalation woes, no matter how last minute they are!! (decided I wanted to intercalate the week before eoys xoxo)

Also Mark Milad

Fourth Year reps – Robbie Pritchard and Ollie Hart

Hi, we’re the fourth year reps. I’d love to write about how wholesome, responsible and well rounded we are as fourth years. But realistically we’ve now just learned how much you can drink the night before an 8:30am clinic. That being said we love medsoc and we want to help share that with all of BSMS. You can often find us doing all sorts of sports, just not the ones everyone else does, but only one of us is actually any good. If you see us around, say hey, we’ll probably say hey back. Love Ollie and Robbie xx

Fifth Year Reps – Vanessa Dam and James Wainwright

We are James and Vanessa the fifth year reps. James has just returned from his intercalated year doing Public Health and Vanessa has aged into another decade and has recently become a parent. Our role is to plan the graduation ball which will be the biggest event in your medical school career. Forget on the beach, Boundary 2025, The ball exceeds all of those expectations. We are also here to support the fifth years from a holistic point of view, as we appreciate this is the most stressful period in medical school with the anticipation of being promoted from student to doctor.

RAG/Charities Rep – Lily Bishop

I’m lily – your RAG rep this year! If you didn’t already know RAG stands for raising and giving aka charity! I’ve got a passion for raising money, buckets of enthusiasm and a great team working with me and I can’t wait to put on an amazing RAG week to make some money for people who really need it.