Welcome from the President!

Hello everyone! My name is Boldi, and I’m your MedSoc President this year! MedSoc is the dedicated student union for Medical students at BSMS. MedSoc looks after all aspects of student life outside of lectures and placement, it is run by students, for the students!
MedSoc caters for everyone, with over 50 different societies that center around a range of medical specialities, cultures, hobbies and religions – there is something for everyone! Every year every society puts on a range of events, including balls, conferences, teaching sessions, socials, and many, many more. The best part? If you’d like to create a new society just drop the Societies reps a DM on Instagram @bsmssocieties
Sports is huge at BSMS, we have 9 teams this year: netball, men and women’s football, men’s rugby, tennis, badminton, squash and mixed hockey, and athletics (+sea swimming). This year, we’re offering a mixed sports membership, which allows everyone to play whichever sport they like, all year round! Twice a year we battle it out for domination in The South vs Southampton and Kent medical schools, an occasion that can’t be missed! Catch up with our sports teams on our sports Instagram @bsmssports
At MedSoc we fundamentally agree with a good work life balance. Therefore your amazing social secs, Ian and Rubin, put on a ‘healthy’ amount of social events all year round, with various different themes in various locations! And if drinking doesn’t whet your appetite, your social inclusivity reps Saniya and Amelia will be planning non-drinking events throughout the year including lazertag, crazy golf and movie nights!
We also throw a handful of balls throughout your time at Medical School, including; Winter Ball in Phase 1, Halfway There Ball in Year 3, and Grad Ball. It’s the perfect opportunity to get dressed up and celebrate your achievements!
Make sure that you keep up with what is going on with events by looking at the MedSoc calendar. You can also look at VP Lottie’s Weekly Rounds, with information about what is on each week, as well as some wit and the odd bit of life advice. It’s on the VP blog.
Thanks for reading and, if you have any questions or fancy a chat, you can email me on president@bsmsmedsoc.co.uk. Make sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn @bsmsmedsoc to stay in the know. And if you see me at any MedSoc events, or around campus, make sure to come and say hi!