Sarah Everard (content warning: gendered violence, sexual harassment)

We would like to take this space to mourn the tragic death of Sarah Everard, who was just walking home. It has also been a year since the murder of Breonna Taylor, and since the disappearance of Blessing Olusegun on Bexhill beach. We stand in solidarity with these women, fellow victims, and all survivors. We stand in solidarity with peaceful mourners at the candlelight vigil who were wrongfully arrested. We stand in solidarity with all women and people of other marginalised genders, it is not fair that you have to take all of these extra precautions, and still for 97% of you to be sexually harassed. You deserve to feel safe. We stand in solidarity with everyone who has found the news this week distressing, upsetting, angering. We also ask all men to start being better allies by educating themselves, starting conversations and challenging sexist behaviours.

We know that this has been a very difficult week for many people, and we want you to know that BSMS Medsoc is here to support you. If you need any support, please get in touch with Student Support, or visit the Welfare Hub on the BSMS Medsoc page for contacts and services including those at the Universities .

Here are some useful websites and links:

Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre

National Helpline: 0808 802 9999 (12-2.30 & 7-9.30)

Women Against Rape

Rape Crisis

Women’s Aid Federation (for domestic and sexual violence)

National Domestic Violence Helpline (24hrs): 08457 023 047

The Survivor’s Trust

Helpline: 0808 801 0818

The Rape and Abuse Line (RAL)

Helpline: 0808 800 0123 answered by women

Helpline:0808 800 0122 answered by men

Survivors UK – Male Rape and Sexual Abuse Support

National helpline: 0845 122 1201

National Stalking Helpline

Helpline: 0300 636 0300

Protection Against Stalking