A BSMS MedSoc Society is a group of students who share an interest, is approved and supported by BSMS MedSoc and affiliated with the University of Sussex. BSMS MedSoc has around 35 Societies and 2 Communities that range from academic, political, fundraising, welfare and sport interests! We are excited about expanding this in the year 2021
What is a community?
- Though they are not called Societies, they still fall under the remit of a Society and therefore will still be supported by Society Reps in the same way that a Society would be
- They are an unaffiliated USSU group, can be a stepping stone for individuals or groups trying to become a full fledged society
- Can also remain as a permanent Community, so they don’t have to have the full obligations and responsibilities that Societies have to go through such as having a society logo or all committee roles
- Communities will still have the same exposure as societies through MedSoc social media platforms and their events can be advertised through the MedSoc calendar
- As a community, you will NOT be eligible for funding from MedSoc, and you will NOT be advertised on the Sussex University Societies page
Requirements of a Community
- Hold at least one event in an academic year
- Event has to have a risk assessment that is approved by MedSoc, this process will be supported by the society reps
- Maintain a members list
- Have an official leader of the Community that liaises with MedSoc and Society Reps
- Should have a clear manifesto or description of what the aim/ purpose of the Community is
How to become a community
- Apply in the same manner as you would a Society by filling in the application form and then discussing your idea with the society reps
- Current societies can become a community/ may be advised whether being a community is best for the society at that moment in time
- This process will always be a two way discussion and not something that is imposed on society/ community leaders
So where do you start from?
If you want to apply to become a MedSoc society/ community, here is what you need to do:
- Make sure you meet the following criteria:
- Your proposed society/ community idea does not already exist
- You have clear aims and objectives for your society/ community [Aims – What would your proposed society like to do? Objectives- What steps will you take to achieve this?]
- There is an interest in the creation of your society/community by other students across the years 1-5
- You have fellow students willing to be in your committee
- If your proposed society/community meets the criteria outlined above, then simply fill in the online application form
- Your new society application will be sent to your society reps and will be discussed with the MedSoc president and Vice president. They will then contact you to discuss your application form. If you are applying to become a MedSoc community, this will be approved at this step. You are now a recognised BSMS MedSoc Community!
- If you are applying to become a MedSoc society, to make the decision about whether or not to approve this, you will be required to pitch your society idea to the MedSoc committee. The Committee meets every week during term time. They will need to feel confident that the idea is well thought out and may wish to ask you further questions. If your idea is not approved then your society reps will explain the reasons for this to you.
- If your idea is approved then the society reps will contact you to confirm your approval. You will be required to submit 1 online form to the University of Sussex to be affiliated- the link for this will be sent to you by your society reps.
- On affiliation, University of Sussex will get you started with a Sussex society email account, a bank account where your society is eligible for a £150 fund from MedSoc and room booking permissions! Your society reps will liaise with your committee and the IT&Comms rep to get your new society information on the MedSoc website.
- You’re now a recognised BSMS MedSoc society!
Don’t panic, you’ll receive plenty of support and guidance from your society reps- Awa Tansie & Francisca Darko. Feel free to contact us or send us an email at bsmssocieties2019@gmail.com