
Meet Vaghela and Shashin Sood

Hello! my names Meet, and I’m a second-year medical student here at BSMS and I’m your new treasurer for MedSoc. Full marks to you for actually reading this, you must really be finding it hard to sleep.

I am a dragon. A dragon like off Dragons Den and I fund the bovine ideas different societies in the medical school come up with along with my co-treasurer/dragon Shash.

Favourite thing about BSMS?
It lets the creatives be creative and the ambitious shine.

Best memory of BSMS?
Opening an email addressed to me from the dean’s office, what was in it is a secret.

What would you order at the bar?
A Sharon Stone. This is a drink that I accidentally invented and named and it is the best thing I have ever created and everyone whose tried it agrees, ask me what in it if you see me near a bar.

Dream job if not medicine?
Learn how to make Geneva seal mechanical watches or live as a caveman on a self-sustaining piece of land out in the wild.

Hello! I’m Shash, I’m in 2nd Year and I’m one of your treasurers on MedSoc this year! I was the IT&Comms Rep last year on MedSoc. So now I’ve done Money, Tech Support and Medicine, I only need Engineering to become the Supreme Indian.

I am also a dragon. Yeah, exactly like Meet said, I’ll ensure your society events get funding on time and make sure you all can see exactly where money is being spent throughout the year.

Favourite thing about BSMS?
There’s a long list, but I guess if I had to choose, it would probably be the new microwave in the Med School building (Thanks Dean)

Best memory of BSMS?
I took a day off during first term to get a fresh trim and go suit shopping for Winter Ball, it was worth it for the drip ❄️

What is your favourite film?
Pffft I’m not going to make it that easy, “Oxfords Not Brogues”, go search

What would be your dream job if you weren’t doing medicine?
I would have probably joined the RAF as a Pilot

What is the best hangover cure?
Legit, just down a pint of Orange Squash (or Lucozade) when you get in and you’ll be sound in the morning, tried and tested