Sports Reps

Harry Bennett and Lucinda Stuart

As Sports Reps, our role is to work with all the sports teams at BSMS and make sure they run smoothly. This includes booking pitches, organising socials and running the famous Sports Meal and Varsity against Southampton. We want to get as many people involved as possible! If you want to set up a sport, or are interested in joining one, you can email us at or you can check out the Instagram @bsmssports.

What is your favourite thing about BSMS?
Both: BSMS is famed for our iconic socials, we love the classics like D-Rag, Medic Mayhem, Winter Ball and the rest.

What is your best memory of BSMS?
Harry: Leaving from the PaedSoc Ball at 10pm but somehow getting home at 2am even though the bus journey is 30 minutes.
Lu: D-Rag at Revenge dressed as Danny from Grease, definitely a birthday I won’t ever forget.

What do you like most about the other?
Lu: Harry’s endless enthusiasm and optimism about anything we do and his willingness to do a funnel at any point.
Harry: The speed at which Lu does a funnel.

Who would win in a fight?
Lu: Definitely Harry.
Harry: Definitely Lu.

What is the best hangover cure?
Lu: Full English breakfast.
Harry: Can’t be hungover if you don’t stop drinking.