Matthew Dempsey, Ffion Stanland, Ben Erin, Melissa Rajalingam and Irene Obaseki

We couldn’t quite let go of being Freshers just yet, so we are your 2020 Freshers Team! We are all second years and our job is to plan all of the events in your sick Freshers Week, match you up to your perfect medic family, and create the Welcome to BSMS Freshers Booklet! We cannot wait to help you settle into university life and start off with a bang!
What’s your favourite thing about BSMS?
Matthew – Everyone looks after each other! Like, it’s nice knowing that there would always be someone to hold my metaphorical hair back if I was to puke after a night out. (Even tho, knowing BSMS costume, I probably would actually be wearing a full wig…)
Ben – I absolutely love the family feel of the BSMS community. It really feels like we have all got each other’s back and we are in this journey together! It is especially so nice knowing I can get black out drunk and still manage to get home in one piece (sorry Ffion).
Ffion – I love so much just how friendly everyone is. I know I’m probably biased but this is the friendliest uni you’ll ever come to! I love that if you ever need help with anything, whether that’s people in your year or your medic family, there will always be people happy to help.
What is your best memory of BSMS?
Matthew – Probably pretending to be a pregnant, crying, Spanish lady in front of 300 people at this years Medic Revue. Just an average day on the job…!
Ben – I would love to say my favourite memory is getting married to my lovely spouses, but I do not remember this (oh vodka). I really did love the winter ball though! Was so lovely to get dressed up, go to such a classy venue and then hit the dance floor after!
Ffion – My best memory of BSMS is weirdly the day of our first ever KT. Obviously the morning was awful but as soon as it was done, everyone started celebrating immediately 😂 and it was such a relief to feel that we were finally done with our first ever term at BSMS. I can’t remember everything (* cough* quite a lot *cough*) that happened but for what I do, it is definitely my favorite memory.
What would be your dream job if you weren’t doing medicine?
Matthew – Probably something to do with helping new university students settle in and get to know the rest of their year group and have a good time. Oh wait!!
Ben – A food critic. Imagine being paid to eat food and complain!
Ffion – If I couldn’t do medicine, I’d most likely have done something like chemistry but now I’d definitely want a job that would mean I could go to Japan
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?
Matthew – There’s this chemical I really like to consume from time to time, I think it’s called C2H5OH?
Ben – Does vodka count?
Ffion – If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life it would have to be seaside kebab, but only if it tastes like it does after a night out (the real ones know 😉)
What is your favourite film?
Matthew – Pitch Perfect. I’m not gonna aca-pologise for it.
Ben – Probably Hot Fuzz… such an iconic film! If you hear me saying “the grea’er good”, you know why. 🙂
Ffion – It’s sooooo hard to choose but my favorite film is probably your name

What is your favourite thing about BSMS?
Irene – My favourite thing about BSMS is the tight knit community that is built on day 1. Everyone at BSMS is so friendly and you will literally make friends with anyone and everyone. On the first day arrived I automatically felt at ease because of the upper years who were so friendly and welcoming. Please don’t worry about not making friends, you will definitely find the people who you click with naturally.
Melissa – I love that we become close as a cohort, everyone at BSMS is so supportive and kind so you never feel alone, it doesn’t take long for you to feel part of a big family.
What is my favourite memory of BSMS?
Irene – My favourite memory of BSMS would be the winter ball. I loved being able to dress up and see everyone else’s beautiful outfits at the Grand hotel. It was such a fun and memorable night and I really hope it will be able to happen this year so you guys can experience it too.
Melissa – Defiantly the socials, it’s great to spend time with friends and meet new people. I loved fresher’s week and was nominated as best sober fresher, which was hard to get . The Winter ball was a highlight, it was great to dress up and have an amazing night with friends.
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Irene – If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life it would have to be pizza (very unhealthy I know).
What is your favourite film?
Irene – A movie that I can watch over and over again is Mamma Mia so that is probably my favourite. But I pretty much love every single musical there is.
Melissa – All of the Harry Potter movies, don’t ask me to choose one
What would be your dream job if you weren’t doing medicine?
Irene – If I wasn’t doing medicine, my dream job would probably be an athlete as I was quite good at running whilst at primary school. In primary school I was called the fastest girl in my class which would always hype me up when doing races on Sports day.
Who would win in a fight?
Melissa – Me and Irene have been jointed at the hip since the first day of med school, we never fight.