Ayanda Mhambi and Ashley Chukwu

Hey guys, this is Ayanda and Ashley and we’re your new diversity reps. Ayanda is in her second year while Ashley’s in the third year. This year we get a clean slate which means various opportunities to inspire diversity, inclusivity and togetherness; honestly its endless. We all hope you feel free to speak to us about how we can ensure your voice is being heard during your time at BSMS and we look forward to working with you all
Whats your dream job:
AYANDA: If I wasn’t studying medicine, my dream job would be travelling the world and photographing its beauty
ASHLEY: Oh that’s a hard one to decide. I would definitely love to get into fashion design or the music industry, whether performing or writing music, if I wasn’t in medical school.
If you could live anywhere, where would that be?
AYANDA: If I could live anywhere in the world it would have to be the Phillipines. Wow wow, the country and the people are amazing!
ASHLEY: It would most definitely be Paris. I absolutely adore the cuisine, fashion and its aesthetic. I would love to perfect my French there as well
The scariest thing you’ve done?
AYANDA: I had to kayak across the Mekong River with a passenger that couldn’t swim in a jungle to get home. The current nearly killed us x
ASHLEY: Honestly, drinking a whole bottle of wine in less than 2 hours. Yeah that didn’t end well..
Who would win in a fight?
We don’t fight unless it’s for diversity, but we could try it out and get back to you
What do you most like about each other?
Our passion to work towards making a greater change at BSMS and we like how we complement each other in this role.