freshers fair 2020

GET EXCITED!! Freshers is HERE!!!
The Freshers Team has been hard at work and now we’re ready to show you the awesome week of events for you guys!!!!
Now, due to recent government restrictions and also rules set by the Student’s Union, we have had to change our plans towards a virtual week of events. Wahh!
But don’t fear, it will still be wicked and wild!!!! And of course, by BSMS tradition, will involve lots of dressing up. 😉 😉 😉
This includes:
-MMIs (don’t panic – Multiple Mini INTRODUCTIONS 😉 ), get to know the whole of your year group! 😀
-Virtual games night – drinking or non-drinking groups with loads of fun online games
-Medic Family night! (you will be contacted by your new medic family very soon! And will have the opportunity of meeting your medic family in person if you wish!!! :D)
-TOGA sports challenge night!!!
-EPIC Societies pub quiz in medic families or friends
-WILD virtual pub crawl of Brighton (heavy drinkers, apply within 😉 😉 )
-CHILL movie night!

And if that all wasn’t enough, we’re also arranging a snazzy WELCOME BOX for you with MedSoc goodies, your official BSMS printed Freshers Guide, discount codes, free food, and more!!!
And the best part is, ALL of this, including your WELCOME BOX(!!), is completely FREE with MedSoc membership!!!
Otherwise it’s all at the cost of just £3.25. (inc. transaction fee)

If you’ve already bought your MedSoc membership, go the MedSoc website HERE ( and get your ticket to guarantee your access to all of the events, and to receive your official welcome box!! Make sure to be signed in to the MedSoc website to get your FREE ticket!!
If you haven’t got medsoc membership quite yet, go here and purchase that first here!!! ( Then get your freshers ticket in the MedSoc shop completely for free!!! 😀
We seriously recommend getting MedSoc membership as soon as possible! Start saving now and remember your membership lasts the entire time you’re at medschool, so it’s totally worth it. 😀
We cannot wait to meet you!!! You’re joining the best med school community anywhere, so make sure to get as involved as possible!!
See you soon 😀 😉